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Ontario Disability Support Program

Ontario Disability Support Program

ODSP offers:
  • financial assistance to help with essential living expenses
  • benefits, including prescription drugs and vision care
  • help finding and keeping a job, and advancing your career

Types of Support:
  1. Income Support: Financial assistance provided monthly for individual and their eligible family members
    • helps with basic needs (food, clothing and shelter), drug coverage and vision care
  2. Employment Support: support to individuals with a disability find and keep a job, and advance their careers.

  1. Income Supports: 
  2. Employment Supports:
    • indivudal must be over 16 years old
    • Ontario resident
    • be legally allowed to work in Canada
    • have a substantial physical or mental disability that is expected to last a year or more, and makes it hard for you to find or keep a job
    • *you do no have to be eligible for income supports to be eligible employment supports*

How to Apply:
  1. Income Supports: this is a two part process to first determine your financial eligibility, then to determine if you meet the program's definition of a person with a disability.
    1. Financial Eligibility: you can complete this online, by phone, or in person. (if you are completing the application either by phone or in person please review the list of documents you will need prior to beginning the application). After your application, you will meet with a casework; at this meeting you will be required to sign the documentation, then a decision notice will be sent within 15 business days. 
    2. Determine Disabilty: (if you are a member of a Prescribed Class, you do not need to complete with part of the application). Your caseworker will provide you with the Disability Determination Package after completing the Financial Eligibility process.
  2. Employment Supports: you can call your local ODSP office and request a package, OR print the documents below 

For more information review the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services ODSP webpage; or contact your local office