As of January 1, 2016, six dental benefits and programs will be integrated under the Healthy Smiles Ontario Program:
1) Healthy Smiles Ontario
2) Children in Need of Treatment Programs (urgent care services)
3) Oral health preventive services provided by Public Health Units
4) Ontario Works children's dental benefits (including Temporary Care Assistance (TCA)
5) Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) children's dental benefits
6) Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD)
Healthy Smiles Ontario is available to all low-income families in Ontario. Any family below the program's income thresholds can apply each year to receive children's dental coverage. The new program will provide seamless enrolment, and other enhanced client supports, streamlining the process for eligible children to receive timely dental care.
Children aged 17 and under are automatically enrolled in Healthy Smiles Ontario when they or their family receive: Ontario Works, Temporary Care Assistance, Ontario Disability Support Program, or Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities.
The Healthy Smiles Ontario Program enrolment portal and application forms are available at:
If you have any questions about the program, you may visit the Healthysmiles Ontario website at or contact the ServiceOntario INFOline:
Toll free 1-844-6306
TTY toll-free 1-800-387-5559
416-327-4282 (TTY Toronto only)