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For an updated guide to social services in the community please refer to Ontario 211

Asperger's Huh? , Rosina G. Schnurr

  A child's perspective with illustrations by John Strachan
Autism Aspergers Publishing Company

  Brenda Smith Mules company publishes many books and videos that relate to social skills.
Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians , Brian Jepson, MD with Jane Johnson, 2007

  This groundbreaking book shows that the disease can be treated by reducing the neurological inflammation that is part of the disease process, rather than simply masking the symptoms of drugs like Ritalin and Prozac. The authors have seen autistic behaviours improve dramatically or disappear completely with appropriate medical treatment. The book reviews the medical literature regarding the biological natural of the disease, including the potential connection between vaccines and autism.
The Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be , Martha Herbert and Karen Weintraub

  March 2012
Dr. Herbert approaches autism as a collection of challenges, many of which can be tackled in a deliberate and methodical way. Her recommendations aim to provide optimal nutrition, reduce toxic exposures, shore up the immune system, reduce stress, and open the door to learning and creativity, all by understanding and truly meeting your child's needs.
BLOOM Magazine

  BLOOM is a how-to magazine on parenting children with disabilities. BLOOM gives voice to the joys and challenges of special needs parenting by combining first hand family insights and the best professional advice. BLOOM is published two times annually.
  http://www.bloorview.ca Contact : lkinross@bloorview.ca
Consider A Henson Trust Handbook

  This resource explains many questions about ODSP as well as various other benefits available to persons with disabilities. It also show how someone can help a family member without affecting their ODSP benefits. A copy of the booklet can be downloaded from the website.
Parenting Special Needs -online magazine

  Health, information, inspiration.
The Building Brighter Futures Fund

  The Purpose of the BBFF:

To provide financial assistance directly to Ontario adults with ASD or their families through a reimbursement of funds spent to open doors for greater participation in local communities.

Program fees for recreation or skill development, respite, professional supports, tuition, or other creative solutions connected to building life plans for the adult with ASD will be considered for subsidy.
  http://www.autismontario.com/client/aso/ao.nsf/36805f66b53925f08525712b0056c229/a58a502a2f05518085257c16006101d3?OpenDocument Contact : Please see website for further information
Enhanced Respite Funding (ERF)

  This grant is paid to families who are caring for a child who is medically fragile and/or depends on a technological device needing care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is paid in addition to other respite services.
  Contact : Community Respite Partners (listed on this site)
Out of Home Respite (OHR)

  Families of children with multiple special needs can receive respite provided in a location other than their own home.
  Contact : Community Respite Partners (listed on this site)
Home and Vehicle Modification Program , March of Dimes Canada

  The Home & Vehicle Modification® Program was established by the Government of Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services in 1999. It is administered by March of Dimes Canada.

March of Dimes Canada's Home & Vehicle Modification® Program provides funding for basic home and/or vehicle modifications. The program is intended to assist permanent Ontario residents with a substantial impairment expected to last one year or more. By reducing or eliminating life safety risks, these modifications enable children and adults with mobility restrictions to continue living in their homes, avoid job loss and participate in their communities.

As there is limited funding, we encourage applicants to first access any other sources of available public or private funding before applying to this program. Consumers who meet program criteria can apply for grant funding:

Up to $15,000 lifetime maximum for home modifications
Up to $15,000 every ten years for vehicle modifications
Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities Program (ACSD)

  This program provides assistance to parents with extraordinary costs associated with having a child with serious special needs.
  http://www.cfcs.gov.on.ca/mcss/english/how/info_regionaloffices.htm Contact : Regional Office 1 800 646 3209

  Created to provide opportunities for individuals who have a developmental disability and who have left school to find more ways to participate in their communities.
  http://www.cfcs.gov.on.ca/mcss/english/how/info_regionaloffices.htm Contact : Regional Office 1 800 646 3209
Special Services at Home (SSAH)

  This program provides funding for the personal development and growth of the family member with a disability and secondly for relief and support for the family.
  http://www.cfcs.gov.on.ca/mcss/english/how/info_regionaloffices.htm Contact : Regional Office 1 800 646 3209
Brockville Arts Centre

  Brockville Arts Centre offers live entertainment in the heart of the 1000 Islands.
  http://www.brockvilleartscentre.com Contact : Box Office 613 342 7122
Brockville Ontario Speedway

  A jam packed schedule full of special events, regular shows and the return of racing in October has been released by Brockville Ontario Speedway. The racing season will begin on Saturday May 17th and close with the first ever Sprint Car Challenge on Saturday October 18th.
Fulford Place Museum

  Original tapestries, paintings, statuary and ceramics collected on the Fulfords' world travels are on display throughout the period rooms and are featured in special exhibits. The grand style of the Beaux Art house was ideally suited to the Fulfords, as they entertained Canadian Prime Ministers, British princes, and the neighbouring well-to-do whose grand ?cottages' lined the St. Lawrence River.
45-minute guided tours of the mansion / Seasonal exhibits featuring the extensive collection
  http://www.brockville.com/port/brockattractions.html Contact : fulfordplace@recorder.ca
Gibbons Maple Sugar House and Museum

  At the Gibbons Family Farm we produce quality maple syrup using a mix of traditional methods and modern equipment.
It takes about 40 litres of maple sap to make 1 litre of maple syrup. We use a modern wood fired evaporator to boil all our sap to make maple syrup. We are proud of our maple syrup and would like to show you how it is made.
  http://www.rideau-info.com/gibbons/ Contact : Phone: 613-275-2893 Toll Free 1-877-440-7887
Sight Seeing Tours

  One and 2¢ hour cruises aboard modern twin-deck vessels from Brockville featuring the 1000 Islands, the St. Lawrence Seaway and the islands' other famous Jewel - Singer Castle.
  http://www.1000islandscruises.com Contact : Phone: (613) 345-7333 Toll Free: 800-353-3157 Fax: (613) 345-6454
The Bowling Centre

  Late Night Cosmic Bowling, Restaurant, Bar & Pro Shop.
  Contact : (613) 498-3177
YMCA of Brockville

  The Brockville and Area YMCA is a charity dedicated to helping individuals grow in spirit, mind and body, and in service to others in an environment that is open to all.
Veterans Memorial Highland Games and Celtic festival

  The Veterans Memorial Highland Games were established in March 2004. Our mission is to promote public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of Scottish and military heritage, highlighting the strong ties between these two important elements of Canadian history in an annual event that honours veterans and those who have fallen in combat.

Scottish events such as piping and drumming solo competitions, pipe band competitions, a highland dance competition and heavy events competition will begin in the morning and commence throughout the day. Celtic entertainment is playing in the Edwardsburgh Community Center during the afternoon and evening.
  http://www.veteransmemorialhg.com Contact : sbush@xplornet.com
Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group

  Rideau Lakes Section of the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group meet once a month. Call Ernie Olivo for information at 928-2841
  http://www.twprideaulakes.on.ca Contact : Call Ernie Olivo for information at 928-2841
Community Breakfast

  Every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. Call Edgar Connell at 359- 5753 for information.
  http://www.twprideaulakes.on.ca Contact : Call Edgar Connell at 359-5753 for information
Community Shopping bus to Kingston

  Community Shopping bus to Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month. ($7.00 return)
  http://www.twprideaulakes.on.ca Contact : Call Barbara at 272-2825 to reserve your seat.
Foley Mountain Conservation Area

  Enjoy the panoramic view from Spy Rock look-out high above Westport by way of a new easy access ramp.

Walk, hike and snowshoe ? the mountain offers five trails including the 8 kilometer Rideau Trail.

Meander through the popular self-guided Beaver Pond nature trail using the booklet provided.

Visit our Interpretation Centre displays, open Sundays and holiday Mondays in July and August, 10:00am to 4:00pm.
  http://www.rideauvalley.on.ca Contact : phone: 613-273-3255
North Leeds Birders

  Every Wednesday morning at 7:30am with other avid bird watchers to enjoy the outdoors in a social and educational setting.
  http://www.twprideaulakes.on.ca Contact : Call Paul O?Reilly at 272-0176
Spaghetti Dinners

  Elgin Lions Hall the last Friday of the month, at the North Crosby Legion the third Friday of every month and every 1st Friday at the Portland Legion.
Sunday Breakfast

  Every Sunday from 8am to 1pm at the Portland Legion on Harlem Road $5.00
West Winds Ranch

  West Winds Ranch is a 142 acre, 1880 homestead, with trails on picturesque rolling landscape and open fields, patches of forest and a variety of wild life, that offers you and your family a wonderful outdoor recreational experience.West Winds Ranch provides seasonal recreational activities to families, friends and groups; play and learn activities to students; and, fund raising opportunity for charitable organizations. We are a sustainability/community-driven family business. Innovation will create ongoing value for customers and stakeholders. Through our employees? initiatives, we strive to serve new and repeat visitors in a fun, friendly and safe manner. In turn, we do ask customers to respect their fellow visitors, our animals and our property.
  http://www.westwindsranch.ca Contact : Phone: (613) 273-8188
Vanridge ATV Tours & Trails

  We offer an experience that's second to none. If you're looking for an outdoor adventure, then come and have some fun on our All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)'s. Our tours are designed so that the very experienced drivers can have fun while experiencing very technical trails, as well as mud if the season allows - BUT we also have trails that a novice driver can have a great time.
  http://www.vanridgeatvtrails.com Contact : Phone: 613-923-1573 Toll Free: (866) 269-2554 Fax: 613-923-1574
1000 Islands Playhouse

  Operates two fully -renovated historic venues side by side on the banks of the St. Lawrence River in Gananoque, the 300 seat Springer Theatre and the 140 seat Firehall.
  http://www.1000islandsplayhouse.com Contact : phone:(613) 382-7020 Toll-Free 1-866-382-7020 Fax: (613) 382-7088
1000 Islands Sky Deck

  Enjoy the breathtaking view from the 1000 Islands Skydeck, see the 1000 Islands & St. Lawrence River

The 1000 Islands Skydeck is a unique tourist attraction, the only one of it's kind in the 1000 Islands. The Skydeck will show you the best of what the area has to offer.
  http://www.1000islandsskydeck.com Contact : Phone: (613) 659-2335 Fax: (613) 659-2285
Recreational Kayaking Tours

  Our tours are leisurely explorations of the area?s historic charm and hidden scenery. Experience this life size museum of islands and architecture, up close and intimately through the comfort and safety of a guided kayaking tour.
  http://www.1000islandskayakingco.com Contact : phone: 613-329-6265 Fax: 613-382-2739 e-mail: info@1000ikc.com
St. Lawrence Islands National Park of Canada

  St. Lawrence Islands National Park consists of several ecologically important mainland properties and more than 20 islands between Kingston and Brockville. The Visitor Centre at Mallorytown Landing provides an introduction to the park with a hiking trail, interpretive programs, exhibits, and activities for the whole family.

  http://www.pc.gc.ca Contact : Phone: 613-923-5261 Fax: 613-923-1021
Rideau Woodland Ramble

  Rideau Woodland Ramble (RWR) is a Garden Centre and Display Gardens situated on 7 acres of woodland near Merrickville Ontario. Its mission is to capture the imagination of gardeners and collectors, in a woodland setting, showcasing and selling rare and unusual Hostas, Grasses, Conifers, Magnolias, and a range of shrubs, trees and perennials. RWR provides unrivaled experiences, service and quality.
  http://www.rideauwoodlandramble.com Contact : Phone: 613-258-3797

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