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Les partenaires de répit communautaire

Agence : Ottawa Foyers Partage
Adresse postale : 44 Eccles Suite 50, Ottawa, ON K1R 6S4
Secteurs de la communauté : Centrale
Informations générales : OFP Shared Connections provides technology outreach services and ongoing support for people with disabilities to learn and effectively use technology on their own terms, allowing them to stay connected to their friends and family and thrive in the new digital age. Our qualified and dedicated staff members can support with the following:
     Software programming, internet support and application setup for ease of use (e.g., Zoom, Bluejeans, Skype and specialized apps)
     Suggestions and support for hardware adaptations so people with disabilities can use their devices and programming more independently (e.g., customized stand to hold a device, key guards, etc.).
     Ongoing training, support and troubleshooting as issues arise with software and hardware.
     Assistance with adaptive communication programs and technologies, including but not limited to: adaptive switches, voice command technology, etc.
     We can offer webinars to support people with disabilities and their caregivers to navigate technology.
Admissibilité : Adults over the age of 18 years old.
Catégorie(s) d'âges : jeune adulte, 22 à 30 ans, adulte, 31 à 50 ans, adulte, 51 à 64 ans, aînés, 65 ans et plus, aînés
Type de soins de répit : Accompagnement individuel / un-à
Contact pour les soins de répit : Gillis, Lindsay
Courriel de contact :
Téléphone : 613 744 3562
Numéro 1-800 :
Télécopieur :
Site Web :