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Options de répit d’organisations du réseau

Les programmes de répit offerts par les agences partenaires du réseau Toronto Respite Network sont énumérés ci-dessous. Pour obtenir de l’aide avec l’accès à ces programmes, veuillez communiquer avec au 416-322-6317 poste 1 ou par courriel à l’adresse, ou contactez les agences directement pour de plus amples renseignements sur les programmes spécifiques, les frais qui s’y appliquent, et leur disponibilité.

Agence : The Safehaven Project for Community Living
Adresse postale : 1173 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON M6H 1M9
Secteurs de la communauté : Centrale, Est, Nord et Ouest
Informations générales : Safehaven provides out-of-home respite which aims to offer an enriching experience for children with complex needs. Safehaven's respite program has a clear focus on community participation, inclusion and recreational programming, while enabling the child's family/guardian to take a break from their constant caring role. Safehaven works in partnership with families to deliver a quality respite program that focuses on the child's needs and preferences.

Safehaven collaborates with families and local schools to advocate for their child to attend school during their respite stay. Safehaven has built a relationship with community organizations to ensure continuity of care for every child visiting Safehaven. Safehaven also encourages family participation and hosts regular respite parties for families to connect with one another.

Respite Care is provided 24/7 within our five locations in Toronto, North York, Etobicoke, Woodbridge and Aurora. Respite families typically choose to utilize the home nearest to them, within their region.

At Safehaven, ability to pay is NEVER a barrier to service.
Admissibilité : Respite services are provided to children & youth- newborn to 18 years of age with complex medical, physical and/or developmental disabilities.

Safehaven provides respite to children with the following care needs (not limited to):
-G/J tube
-Ketogenic diet and other dietary requirements
-Visual and/or hearing impairment
-Acquired brain injury

Safehaven has access to limited nursing funding to support children who require the following (not limited to):
-Deep suctioning
-PICC line
-Tracheotomy Care

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us!
Catégorie(s) d'âges : d'âge préscolaire, d'âge scolaire, adolescent, jeune adulte
Type de soins de répit : L'éxterieur de la maison, Le répit résidentiel, Après l’école, Répit de nuit, Congé scolaire, Répit de fin de semaine, Répit de jour (lundi à vendredi), Répit en soirée
Contact pour les soins de répit : Team, Social Work
Courriel de contact :
Téléphone : 416 535 8525
Numéro 1-800 :
Télécopieur : 416 535 9782
Site Web :