Respite Options

Provided By :
Phone : 613 546 6613 x.2131 Email Address :

Program Time : Homeshare Respite
Program Time (English) : Varies - overnight weekdays and weekends
Program Runs from : Ongoing, year round
Program Length :
Program Cost : To be determined

Admission Criteria : Must be eligible for Developmental Services as determined by Developmental Services Ontario
Activities : Based on individual needs and preferences
Comments : Homeshare respite is offered in a family or individual's home in the community. Homeshare respite providers are interested in opening their home and family life to share with someone with a developmental disability. The family or individual are required to go through an approval process prior to being matched with someone who is looking for respite in this type of setting.
Disability / Special Needs : Developmental Disability
Individual(s) Served : Male and Female
Type of Respite : Relief Worker
Age Category : 0-5 Preschool, 6-12 School Aged, 13-17 Adolescent, 18-21 Young Adult, 22-30 Adult, 31-50 Adult and 50+ Seniors

Agency : Ongwanada
Agency Contact : Jessica Waller
Phone : 613 548 4417
Fax : 613 548 1743
Email Address :
Option offered at : 191 Portsmouth Ave, Kingston, ON K7M 8A6
Nearest Intersection :
Regions : Kingston and area