Respite Options

Provided By :
Phone : 613 546 6613 x.2131 Email Address :

Program Time : H'art School
Program Time (English) : Monday to Friday, 9:00am-3:30pm
Program Runs from : Ongoing
Program Length :
Program Cost : $46/day

Admission Criteria : Adults with intellectual disability, developmental disability
Activities : Since 1998, our H'art School program at H'art Centre has been offering adults with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to reach their highest potential through education and the arts. The H'art School program offers students a chance to build literacy skills and social skills while engaged in the practice and enjoyment of visual arts, music, theatre, dance, media arts, and literary arts.
Comments : -There are bursaries and possibilities of other financial supports if required.
-We tend to like to meet the individual upon registration to determine if they can benefit from our program and require any additional support.
Disability / Special Needs : Developmental Disability
Individual(s) Served : Male and Female
Type of Respite : Group
Age Category : 18-21 Young Adult, 22-30 Adult and 31-50 Adult

Agency : H'art Centre
Agency Contact : Tracy Ryan
Phone : 613 545 1392
Fax :
Email Address :
Option offered at : 237 Wellington Street, Kingston, ON K7K 0B5
Nearest Intersection :
Regions : Kingston and area