Registration Process


The CHAP program is a provincial program designed to assist with connecting families and/or individuals with  a registered respite/direct support provider.  CHAP  promote active living for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, autism and/or physical disabilities.  Services may be provided in the family's own home or in the community.  The program's goal is to register local respite/direct support providers who are interested in supporting people to participate fully in their community, provide employment or volunteer support, assist with life skill/social skill development and/or provide parent/caregiver relief.  CHAP who complete the registration process are eligible to advertise on the system to families seeking a respite/direct support provider.  People registered in the CHAP program create a profile that is shared with individuals and /or their families seeking supports.

Note: CHAP are not employees of the CHAP program, Catulpa Community Support Services or of Empower Simcoe.  It is the responsibility of the family and the CHAP to determine if they are entering an employer/employee relationship or a contracted service arrangement.

You can learn more about how a Respite/Direct Support Provider might be characterized by visiting the following websites:

       Government of Canada - Employee or Self-Employed Guide

       Government of Canada - Determining the Employee/Employer Relationship

       Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services - Hiring a Support Worker Guide

       Ontario Ministry of Labour - Fact Sheet – Difference between an Employee and an Independent Contractor

What are people looking for in a CHAP?
  • Reliable, professional people to provide quality service
  • Provide safe, stimulating and recreational support both in the family's home and in the community
  • Provide support according to the individuals needs and interests
  • Network with community groups, facilitate inclusion and act as a positive role model
How is my rate determined?
Rates are negotiated between the CHAP and the family/individual who is seeking your service.  It is important to consider the level of support required, your own skills and experience you have to offer, and the type of support the family/individual is requesting.  Here are some things to consider while negotiating your fee:
  • The average CHAP fees in Simcoe County range from minimum wage to $30/hr.
  • Families/Individuals may be willing to negotiate a higher wage if they feel the support and service they are looking for justifies a higher rate.
  • Additional expenses such as fuel reimbursement, activity/recreation costs should also be negotiated at the time of completing a service agreement or employee contract.
*Please note that some families/individuals may be involved with a specific funding program that has guidelines for the use of the funds.  It is important to discuss this to ensure you are aware of what types of supports and expenses are permitted by different funding programs.  It is advised to ensure all plans for supports and services are agreed to by all parties prior to performing them to ensure they meet all guidelines and budgets. 

Registration Requirements -  Our program has committed to advertising those who:
  • Are 18 years or older
  • Provide a clear Criminal Reference Check with a Vulnerable Sector Screening (less then 6 months old)
  • Have submitted a current resume
  • Have provided 2 professional references
  • Have attended a Program Introduction Meeting

How to register as a CHAP:

Please read all of the steps before completing your online registration as you will not return to this page upon completion.

Step 1:
Complete the online registration and ensure that you upload your current resume.  It is important to create a classified ad in the space provided as this information is used by the families to select potential CHAP.  Please note that if you declare on your application that you hold a degree or certificate in any related field you may be asked to provide a copy for your file.

Complete Online Application here

Step 2:
Submit a criminal reference check with a vulnerable persons check from your local police that is less than 6 months old.  You may need to contact a CHAP Coordinator for assistance with this process should the police services request a letter.  Please note: A clear criminal reference check and vulnerable sector screening is required to advertise with the CHAP program as we do not have the right to deem what would be considered acceptable for the families/individuals using the program.  In addition, we do not have the right to share the information obtained on your criminal reference check to allow for transparency if an offence was reported.

Step 3
Please print the reference form below and have your references complete it and forward to the CHAP Coordinator for your area.   Reminder: we require 2 professional references completed on the CHAP reference form.

Download CHAP Reference Form  (2 Reference Forms are required)

Step 4
Arrange with a CHAP Coordinator to attend a program introduction meeting

Once you have completed the registration process your profile will be activated on the site in order to begin advertising your services.

If you reside in Angus, Barrie, Bradford, Innisfil, Angus or surrounding areas, please contact:

Respite/CHAP Coordinator
Empower Simcoe
39 Fraser Court, Barrie, ON, L4N 5J5 
Telephone: 705-726-9082
ext. 2259  
Fax: 705-726-6875

If you reside in Alliston, Collingwood, Midland or Orillia and the surrounding areas, please contact:

Respite/CHAP Coordinator
Catulpa Community Support Services
165 Ferris Lane, Barrie, ON, L4M 2Y1
Telephone: 705-733-3227 ext. 2253
Fax: 705-735-6826

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